Saturday, September 8, 2007

Saturday, September 8, 2007

One of my favorite clients is the National Association of Electrical Distributors. They are a great association and terrific people, and we do several shows and projects each year for them. Jonathan Yeaworth and I spent the last few days in Fargo, ND, with my client contact, Sonia Coleman, shooting video footage and interviews with NAED's new Chairman, Tammy Miller. I love hearing the accents of the locals in Fargo, "don't cha know",...especially in the diners and bars where the "Fargoians" hang out. It was like watching the movie "Fargo" all over again! Here are a couple of production shots from the video shoot.

This is Jonathan Yeaworth, our staff production manager who shot the video.

Here is Tammy Miller (behind the desk) and Sonia Coleman, NAED's director of Public Relations.

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