Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Did You Know?

Thompson Square, fresh off their debut album and single “Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not?,” just hit the road with Jason Aldean. Thompson Square turned to Gary Musick Scenic to complete elements of their new set design. The GMP team built two 5’ tall x 8’ wide faux speakers that served as a base for oversized lips. We wish them great success with the tour!
Faux speakers for Thompson Square.
 GMP has also recently created scenic elements for other artists and staging companies in support of tours for artists like Kid Rock, Brad Paisley, and The Misfits. Our Scenic department recently helped Accurate Staging with key elements of the design for the Kid Rock “Born Free” tour which included a carved eagle, two 30-foot-long rifles, and an oversized longhorn skull.
Carved eagle for Kid Rock's touring set.

Scenic elements at live show.

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