Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tuesday, June 27, 2007

We had a great celebration lunch yesterday with our Gary Musick Company cruise ship production team! After an incredibly busy spring remount season, we wanted to take time to say "thanks" to the folks who helped make it happen. The future was a big topic of conversation, and we talked about things we can do to insure that future is bright. There are many exciting days ahead for us as we embark on a quest to realize one of our company's BHAG's (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) - and that is to become one of the premier, globally respected production companies in the cruise ship industry. Here are some of the key folks who are on board to help us make that goal a reality. From left to right (seated) are David Patton, Bruce Stegmann, Kelly Hirt Evans, Curt Wallen, Brandon Thomas, and (back row) Jeff Lisenby, Leanne Dierckson, Dale Rutherford, Keith Brogdon, Garis Wimmer, Mindy Johnson, Bert Hensley, Erin Boyd, and Stephen Kummer. I can't say enough about how proud we are of these folks. And things are only going to get better!


Brandon Scott Thomas said...

it was an awesome lunch and an even better meeting...thanks for pumping us up!

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for giving us the opportunity to be apart of such an amazing team! I'm looking forward to future endeavors!