Saturday, December 23, 2006

December 22, 2006

Just wanted to wish all of you a very happy holiday this week! We have so many friends and co-workers all over the world this Christmas season...many of them are unable to be with their families because of work. To all of our performers, thank you for your willingness to spend time away from your loved ones this Christmas. And thank you for sharing your talents that make the holidays a little brighter and more enjoyable for the thousands of guests you will entertain this week. All of us at GMC wish you warmth and hapiness where ever you may be. Merry Christmas!


Brandon Scott Thomas said...

Merry Christmas, Gary! Have a great weekend! I've officially linked you--yeee-hawww!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family! I've added your site to my Google RSS Reader. Now I can keep up with all of the GMC news!