Today was unsettling. Our good friend, David Holloway, went into the hospital yesterday with a bleeding colon. The severity of the bleeding caused the hospital to move him into the critical care unit for observation. After having his colon scoped today, the doctors were unable to find the source of the flow, and have decided to keep him overnight for another try at a colonoscopy tomorrow morning. I just came from visiting David and his wife, Karen, and he is in pretty low spirits. Those of you who know David understand that this is not the active, energetic fun-loving guy we all know and love. Please say a prayer that his tests are successful tomorrow and the doctors are able to use a laser treatment to seal the wound. The alternative is surgery, and that would mean an entirely different path to recovery. I know he would love to hear from his friends if you want to email him (he can't receive or make calls from the ICU):
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